KVKK Personal Data Protection Authority
Dear customer;
Your personal data may be processed as described below by Keikei Textile And Clothing Industry Trade Joint Stock Company (“KEİKEİ” or “Company”)as the data controller in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698.
Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons:
Our company obtains personal data from your purchases on the site or By saving the information you share regarding membership transactions or for shopping without being a member, in our systems, By recording data consisting of/obtained from the use of your fixed/mobile internet and communication devices and/or mobile applications in various environments and places, on our systems, which are all kinds of membership, shopping, collection, delivery and transactions on the site, filling out surveys, recording the registration and behavioral transactions in our systems, and recording the relevant documents regarding the return processes, directly from the information provided by the customer and from the data learned through collection tools. Your personal data is processed due to;
Data processing is required for the establishment and performance of the contract in terms of transactions such as requesting your delivery address for the shipment of the products you have purchased, obtaining your name and surname information for correct shipping, and obtaining your ID and password information within the scope of the membership agreement,
Issuing the invoices of the products sold within the scope of the Tax Procedure Law and other legislation, Your bank account information to be refunded so that you can use your withdrawal and other rights effectively within the scope of the Consumer Protection Law and side legislation, clearly stipulated in the law and fulfilling the legal obligation
Data such as cookies collected for site security are for the legitimate interest of the data controller, for you to provide access,
These and similar transactions are processed based on explicit consent legal reasons, in order to provide you with a better experience and to carry out marketing activities by advertising and other optional cookies.
Data Categories and Data Types That Can Be Processed at Different Stages
Identification : Name-Surname(**), name of company(on basis of demand)(*), Gender(****), date of birth(****)
Communication : Phone Number(*), City(*), Town/District(*), Street Address(*),Post code(*) E-mail address(**)(*),Country(*) Location(*)
Customer Transaction : User Name(**), purchase history informations, purchased good/servise informations, order informations, Membership ID password informations(**), delivery address, website using informations, cookie records, order note(*)
Finance : Bank/Debit card informations(***), invoice address and other invoice informations(***), bank account informations
Your relevant personal data is obtained as a result of filling in by you at the payment stage, in case you shop on our website.
** Your relevant personal data is obtained as a result of being member.
*** Your credit / debit card information is processed If you share it with us in line with your return requests, it is not processed or recorded by our company during the purchasing phase.
**** It is processed if you optionally add it later from the My Personal Information page.
The personal data specified in the table indicate your personal data that may be processed within the scope of ordinary activities, and within the scope of exceptional transactions, your personal data may be processed in the context of this Clarification Text.
Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personel data is processed for making membership aggreement, creation and follow-up of customer records, establishment and execution of the sales agreement, execution and preparing sales contract and , preparing and transfer of invoice, Protection of customer interests in sales and after- sales services, especially with the return, sending the first and re-sending products by cargo, carrying out the product return process, including the refund,follow-up of requests and complaints, Ensuring business continuity and continuity of activity, conducting marketing and analysis studies, carrying out activities for customer hapiness, Within the scope of the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages, our customers who give permission, offer campaigns, discounts, etc. informing the customer so that they can benefit from, planning, auditing and execution of information security processes, Providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations, Creation and management of information technology infrastructure
Transfer of Personal Data
Your personal data may be processed in accordance with the principles of “need to know” and “need to use” and by providing the necessary data minimization; with our shareholders, business partners, affiliates and subsidiaries and their shareholders, our companys domestic and international service providers, marketing/advertisement/analyise service providers, database and server service providers, , providers of site usage monitoring services,e-mail server service providers, e-invoice and e-archive invoice service providers, electronic message service providers, cargo and courier companies, banks and electronic payment institutions, legal and financial consultancy services, independent audit service providers, archiving services, our business partners and service providers that provide, operate or provide services to our IT infrastructure, legally authorized public institutions and private persons or organizations with which we have private business partnerships, and third parties,
Experts, law firms and audit firms for auditing and due diligence activities and public institutions for the fulfillment of regulatory and contractual obligations, insurance companies, , social assistance support funds, business advisors,
With the authorized administrative and supervisory boards and/or other authorized supervisory institutions and organizations,
In the country or abroad, which can be transferred to the administrative authorities, judicial authorities or relevant law enforcement authorities for the resolution of legal disputes or in accordance with the relevant legislation, limited to the purposes specified in this clarification text.
Rights of Concerned Person
As the person whose personal data is processed, to exercise Your rights under Article 11 of the Law, which regulates the rights of the person concerned in line with Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to Data Controller you can contact or fill the “Application form” on the;
You may bring the form to Dolapdere Road, Küçükbayır St. 119/A Şişli/İstanbul by yourself,
You may send to the specified address, with wet signature, through a notary public,
You may send it to with secure electronic or mobile signature, via your registered e-mail address or your e-mail address registered in our system.
In the application there must be name, surname, T.C. identification number for Turhish citizens, nationality for foreigners, passport number or identification number, place of residence or business adress, e-mail address for notification, phone and fax number and subject of application.
If your application will be answered in writing, up to ten pages will not be charged. A transaction fee of 1 Turkish Lira may be charged for each page if it is over ten pages. If the response to the application is given in a recording medium such as CD or flash memory, our Company may request the cost of the recording medium from you.